Demo Ch. 1 — The Battle of Ankahur the Fallen | Lore and Gameplay
3 min readJul 11, 2022
Explore the compelling lore of the world and the complex history that connects its characters through this series of articles.

The first chapter of the demo, The Battle of Ankahur the Fallen, finds the player in a treacherous mountainous environment as a Warrior who has to defeat the forces of Chaos and win the game.

The landscape is mountainous and desolate. Once, the proud city of Nefr’Akhet was carved in the mountains overlooking the desert under the protection of the Colossi of Horus and Khepri, who watched the sunrise and dip over the horizon. Its people honored Hapi, a sacred bull, for they believed its strength was the one holding the mountain together. The rituals were presided over by the chantress Neferure who had a significant influence on the political dealings of the city.

After the Clash, Set unleashed his forces over Nefr’Akhet until only the temple remained, buried in a series of labyrinthine caves. In this temple, he chained the khets- the physical bodies — of the people of Nefr’Akhet and, to satisfy his twisted sense of humor, named Hapi as their jailer while also granting him unusual powers.

Years passed, and from the lands beyond Phiom Enhah in the East rose a general named Ankahur, for his cruelty and courage in battle resembled those of the god of war reborn. He decided to take advantage of the state of Chaos that Egypt had been plunged into and conquer the lands for his own glory. This brought upon him the fury of Set, who wanted to punish him for his arrogance and hubris.

Ankahur’s troops wandered for weeks in the desert, trying to reach the mountains, their food and water resources diminishing fast. Suddenly, an army appeared that seemed to move as forcefully as a sandstorm. When the gruesome battle was over, Ankahur found himself chained by the powers of Set. His soldiers had slaughtered one another in the confusion of sand and illusions.

The Warrior has heard this story in the Dancing Mummies Tavern. He remembers that the gate that appears in the mountain is known as the Gate of Loss. Once a part of the temple, now it marks the place where the khets of those unfortunate enough to cross the god Set are chained to do his bidding. There are the people of Nefr’Akhet and Ankahur’s troops — some against their will, others by their own choice or cowardice.

The player, as the Warrior, has to defeat the creatures he encounters with some help in the form of blessings from either Horus’s or Khepri’s statue. The blessings the player chooses influence their battle strategy by helping with their attack and defense, respectively. A figment of Anubis, who has his own story of vengeance and betrayal, accompanies the player with snark (and, at times, helpful) remarks, helping them train and dodge hidden traps while navigating the labyrinthine caves and ruins of the temple. In the end, the player faces Ankahur himself in a fierce battle…

Read Demo Chapter 1: The Ankhahur, the Warrior, and the Gate of Loss article for the full story.

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Mummy is a next-gen open-world MMORPG set in Ancient Egypt with a robust play-and-earn model powered by Unreal Engine 5. Unlike most Gamefi play-to-earn games, Mummy is free-to-play and offers an enjoyable gaming experience to the players. The game is created by a team of seasoned game developers from Ubisoft, Square Enix, Sea of Thieves, and IBM.



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The Next Gen Ancient World Play-And-Earn MMORPG with state-of-the-art visuals powered by Unreal Engine 5 built on Polygon & BNB Chain